A typical example of a MIDI Controller
According to Wikipedia.org, a MIDI controller is any hardware or software that generates and transmits Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) data to electronic or digital MIDI-enabled devices, typically to trigger sounds and control parameters of an electronic music performance. The most commonly used MIDI controller is the electronic musical keyboard MIDI controller, which has keys that can be pressed. When the keys are pressed, the MIDI controller sends MIDI data about the pitch of the note, the velocity and duration, which can be used to trigger sounds from a MIDI-compatible sound module or synthesizer.
A sound card is very necessary for inputting musical note into music software, in other words it helps to transform the sound produced by the keyboard to a sound the computer system can understand. In a case where you have not purchased a good sound card for your home studio, there is another way you can connect your Keyboard or MIDI controller to your computer system. To do this you need a cord called USB-MIDI cord which has a USB connector to the computer system and a MIDI connector to the keyboard. Most recent keyboards do no longer have a contemporary MIDI in-and-out port but a USB port which can enable one to connect from USB (keyboard) to USB (computer).
Connecting your keyboard to the computer requires following some instructions just as connecting other tech instruments. First is to get a laptop with a DAW installed, get a keyboard, and then get a MIDI in-and-out to USB cord or USB (keyboard) to USB (computer) as the case may be according to the port on your keyboard. A driver might be needed according to the brand of your keyboard. For Yamaha, visit their site, download.yamaha.com/usb_midi/ and download the driver specified for the operating system in your computer. Then follow the instruction on how to install the driver to your computer. After the installation, connect the wire and connect it via settings on your DAW to select the specified keyboard. At this point tapping any key on your keyboard should reflect in the DAW. Now, any plug-in can be selected and is controlled by the keyboard.
This link provides a reasonable troubleshooting guide.
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