Disobedience can be
defined as the refusal to obey someone higher than you or in authority or
refusal to obey or keep certain rules and regulation attached to an
organization. It is also an act of failing to behave as told or taught. It is
also refusal to comply.
REFUSING TO OBEY: This is when
someone refuses to obey because of pride. The person involved feels that he/she
is too big to obey someone or an authority. Let’s take the case of Pharaoh for
an example- when Pharaoh was approached by Moses, he first scorned the word of
God given through Moses. God had to force him to obey but he demonstrated his
pride and disobedience by going after the Israelites when they were leaving so
as to still keep them as his slaves against God’s command.
OBEDIENCE: Partial obedience is also
disobedience. This is when a person doesn’t obey to the fullest. You obey some
and leave some maybe because you feel that no one should tamper with that
aspect of your life.
WITH COMPLAINTS: This is when a person obeys God, someone or authority
with complaints or fear. This will be likened to the Israelites in the
scripture. When the Israelites finally reached the border of the Promised Land.
Moses sent out Ten (10) spies to go and spy the land of Canaan but eight (8) faithless
spies came back with bad report and caused them to fear and complain. God was
able and ready to lead them in, and yet the Israelites became afraid of the
giants, armies and fortified cities. It was this fear and complaints that
caused them to disobey Gods instructions and directions. Instead of following
Gods direction that would have taken them forty (40) days, they followed their
route and the consequence was forty (40) years in the wilderness.
DISOBEDIENCE: This is also a form of
disobedience. This is when a person reluctantly obeys God, someone or
authority. It means that the person didn’t obey immediately and maybe the
person has seen the consequences of the disobedience. Much like a misbehaving
child rushing to obey his father or mother when he sees that the father or
mother is coming towards him/her with a cane.
This is also a form of disobedience. This is when a person obeys God, someone
or authority with anger in his heart. This kind of disobedience does not come
from the heart. When you obey with anger in your heart, there is bound to be a
mistake. Its either, you don’t do it the way it ought to be done or you don’t
receive blessings after that. Let’s see the case of Moses. In a moment of
anger, Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it as God commanded, though
God still brought forth water for them to drink but for this sin, Moses was no
allowed to enter the Promised Land.
COMMANDS: This is also a form of
disobedience. This is when a person receives a clear command or instruction
from God, someone or authority and still questions it or asks question whether
he/she should obey. A clear command or instruction should be obeyed immediately
and not to be questioned. Let’s go back to the scripture – we remember the
story of Balaam. He was given a clear instruction and command by God but
tempted by the promise of fame and riches; he asked God a second time if he
should go with the king’s messengers. God was angry with him and sent an angel
to kill him though he was mercifully spared, thanks to his donkey.
Consequences refer
to punishment, outcome, effect or result of disobedience. It can also be
defined as something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions.
These outcomes, effects, results and punishments of disobedience are all
enumerated in the scripture. The book of
Deuteronomy chapter 28:15-68. If you look critically at this chapter, you will
find out that verses 1 to 14 are blessings of obedience while verses 15 to 68
are consequences of disobedience. This goes a long way to tell us that the
consequences of disobeying God, someone or any authority are much and should be
v I
would ask, what led to the dismissal of Adam and Eve from paradise? It was
because of disobedience to God’s command.
v And
like we discussed earlier, Pharaoh and his soldiers were drowned in the red sea
because of disobedience. Even Moses didn’t see the Promised Land because of
disobedience. Balaam was almost destroyed cause of disobedience.
Brethren, though the above mentioned
criteria were immediate punishments due to disobedience, we must bear in mind
that the punishment in the hereafter is more severe, everlasting and intense.
SINCERELY AND SEEK FOR FORGIVENESS FROM GOD: this is the first thing we ought
to do when we disobey God. God made us a promise that if we confess our sins
that He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every
unrighteousness. 1John 1:9.
support the right thing and make sure you forbid what is wrong because this
will help us to obey God and also help us to encourage people to obey God and
those in authority.
we offer good advice to people around us and even to ourselves, it tends to
make us to obey God, people and those in authority.
conclusion, we tend to ask: will a loving God punish the disobedient? The book
of 2nd Thessalonians 1:7-9 says that God will punish disobedience at
the final judgment and proverbs 15:9 makes us to understand that God hates sin
and disobedience is a sin against God. But God has made a way to be free from
the penalty of sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ because He is just and
not mean spirited. He has provided us an escape from the guilt of sin. However,
we must be obedient to Him and accept that payment, reconciling ourselves to
God. Revelation 22:17.
Obodo Emmanuela
Economist, Blogger.
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