Losing Weight Without Stress

So many articles and write-ups had been written on this topic but I still think it is important to write on this.  Obese individuals suffer a lot issues which are more or less connected to their being overweight.
These issues range from not being able to do all they want to do, their social interaction with other others. Most times such persons lose their self esteem or could experience an emotional meltdown.

When is one said to be obese?
One is said to be overweight when the person’s BMI (body mass index) is 25 or more. BMI is calculated using this formula: BMI= the person’s weight (mass) in kg ÷ the square of the person’s height in meters, the unit is kg/m2. Most people might be overweight and yet would not know. So get your weighing scale to check your weight, your meter rule to check your height and then make your calculation.

Causes of obesity:
Most people believe one is obese because he or she eats too much or feeds mostly on food rich in fat. You can agree with me that an offspring tends to resemble its parent(s) in many ways including body size. What am driving home is that some children take after their parent(s) in being overweight if not childhood, in adulthood or later in life.
Another cause might be emotionally related. People tend to store more fats when happy or emotionally stable and tend to lose weight when emotionally unstable.
Sometimes some health condition can cause overweight.
The last but not the least is the choice of food and the quantity consumed at a time.

Losing weight without stress:
Losing excess weight had been a dream for most overweight ladies just like owning a company to a young man. So many stresses are incurred in the quest to lose excess weight which ends in fatigue and gaining of extra weight. This advice could help a lot in losing weight.

1.    Be positive: You do not start what you believe a foremost would not yield positive result. So you have to believe and be positive that any step you take towards losing extra weight would work out.
2.    Never give up: I have seen many in the journey of losing excess weight give up overnight after few weeks or months because they did not see a significant change after a little time. So you have to keep the balls rolling until you achieve your aim and those days of sacrifice will then worth it.
3.    Exercise: The effect of exercise to the human body system cannot be over emphasized. Unfortunately, the life of affluence has caused many to live a sedentary lifestyle. They cannot take a walk just for a minute. Exercise regularly and make it part of your daily activity.
4.    Diet: I have seen ladies who claim they want to lose weight feed on high fatty food just because they cannot resist it, only to later take several cups of weight loss tea hoping to counter its effect. You should be serious with losing excess weight and resist anything which would counter your effort.
5.    Fruits and vegetables: These should be in your daily diet and sometimes should take the place of your main diet. You can decide to take fruits in place of your dinner, which is a bold step towards losing weight.
6.    Food rich in fiber: Just as I said concerning fruits and vegetables, they are rich in fibers. You might ask what is so important about fibers. A fiber is a substance that human consumes in foods, vegetables and fruits yet cannot digest and absorb it because human do not have the enzyme needed for its digestion. So when you consume a food rich in fiber, you have the same satisfaction as one who ate a normal meal but the fiber is not absorbed and so do not deposit extra fat to the body. It is worthy to note that food rich in fiber helps in easy digestion of food and prevent cancer of the colon. So as much as it is good for losing weight, it is also good to health in general.
7.    Don’t starve yourself: Most people after they had starved themselves for several hours went forth to eat too much when eating and food eaten in such condition digests and absorbs the most. So eat whenever you are hungry but eat small quantity. Whenever you are too hungry, try to take some water before eating, this would help to reduce the quantity of food you take.

So live positive, live healthy and stay green.


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