Most couples considered to be infertile had lost all hope thinking
nothing else could be done. Some of these couples are not really infertile but
there are bridge-like situations that have to be crossed in order for conception
to happen. This article is all about revealing these medical embryonic
procedures that had helped couples cross these bridge-like situations and
Remedies to infertility:
Just like the case of the causes of infertility, remedies to
infertility are categorized into; remedy to male factors of infertility and
remedy to female factors of infertility.
Remedy to male factors of infertility:
After a thorough test and analysis especially semen analysis (that
is done using the semen of the subject) carried out for the required period of
time by a medical laboratory scientist or an urologist (a physician who has
specialized knowledge and skill regarding problems of the male and female
urinary tract and the male reproductive organs), any of the following
procedures might be carried out depending on the outcome of the result of the
Intrauterine inseminations (IUI) – this is a type of artificial
insemination in which the semen is collected and carefully placed into the
uterus (womb), from there it can find its way to the fertilization area in the
uterine tube during ovulation of the female subject. This procedure is used
when the sperm concentration in the semen is less than 20 million/mL, yet the
total motile sperm in the semen are at least 1 million.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI) – In vitro fertilization is a kind of fertilization that occurs outside
the female body system. This type of fertilization occurs in the laboratory
inside a petri dish (a shallow cylindrical glass or plastic lidded dish that
biologists use to culture cells). This involves extraction of ovum or egg from
the female subject into an environment in the laboratory convenient for cell
culture or fertilization (normally a petri dish) and semen containing sperm is
also extracted using the required procedure into the petri dish so that
fertilization would occur. Once fertilization occurs, the zygote or embryo is
removed from the petri dish and carefully placed inside the womb for implantation
to occur. This procedure is carefully monitored.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection on the other hand is a procedure
in which a normal sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of the ovum or egg for
fertilization to occur more easily.
The combination of the two procedures is used when the sperm
counts are extremely low or if motility is poor.
Remedy to female factors of infertility:
After thorough test involving the ovary (ovulation i.e. the
release of ovum or egg from the ovary at approximately 14th day of a normal 28
day menstrual cycle), uterine tube (to check for any blockage caused by
disease), uterus or womb (to check any problem involving implantation of the
formed zygote or embryo), any of the following procedures can be carried out
depending on the result of the tests.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) – I have explained this procedure
above. This procedure is carried out to overcome any problem that would
prevent; the sperm from getting to the site of fertilization in the uterine
tube called ampulla, fertilized egg from getting to the womb or uterus for
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) – This procedure is
preferred by some ethnic and religion communities which allows only
fertilization that occurs in the woman’s body. In this procedure the eggs are
retrieved and placed into one of the fallopian tubes along with sperm. This
makes sure that the egg and sperm are in close proximity so that fertilization
can occur easily, overcoming any hindrance that would have prevented the sperm
or even the egg.
Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) – This is similar to in
vitro fertilization (IVF) but instead of placing the embryo directly inside the
uterus, the embryo is placed into one of the uterine or fallopian tubes for
implantation to occur the natural way. With this procedure, the sperm and the
egg are brought close for fertilization to occur easily overcoming any
hindrance that would prevented the sperm across the vagina or cervix.
Surrogacy – This is a situation whereby a woman (known as the
surrogate mother) is contracted to carry a baby which is not biologically hers
to term. In this procedure, egg and sperm are retrieved from the biological
mother and father respectively. These gametes are placed to fertilize in the
laboratory, then the fertilized egg (embryo) is placed on the surrogate
mother’s womb or uterus. This procedure is used in a condition where a disease
condition e.g. diabetes prevented the biological mother from carrying the
child. This procedure is also used when because of one reason or the other, the
biological mother’s womb cannot carry the child to term.
In some cases where both couple were found fit to be fertile or
have children but could not because of an unknown reason, adoption is advised.
This would help the woman to conceive as proved by some research.
Visit any fertility center near you for more information on this
subject matter.
Remember health is wealth, information is the key, read and learn.
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