Mind change

Romanus is a graduate of Economics, he graduated in flying colours as he was one of best 10 of his set. With all these feathers in his cap he couldn’t get a job.

Romanus had a very bad mindset as he believed he might not make it in life. His confession was negative and his thought mediocre. His responsibilities weighed him down as he has his mother and two younger siblings to cater for.

He had a set of irresponsible friends that drink and gamble a lot and never thought of the future, they lived for the pleasure of the present time. They all worked at a building block moulding industry to make a living.

A day came as romanus was gathering sand outside the block factory complaining that the sand was not tipped inside the factory, a passing sport utility vehicle (SUV) splashed dirty water on him. The man stopped as Romanus shouted and pleaded with him explaining to him that it was just a mistake. Out of anger and jealousy Romanus raged insult on this man, all these while every other person was inside the factory and did not know what was going on. This rich man, Jack noticed his choice of words and realized he was learned but was surprise the kind of work he was doing. Jack boldly told him that he knew he was learned but asked why he was doing such work. Romanus was surprise by his words but only replied that it was a long story. Jack said he was ready to hear it, offered Romanus his complementary card, pleaded once more and left.

The next day Romanus excused himself from work and went to see Jack. Jack was so glad when he saw Romanus. After narrating all to Jack, Jack noticed where the problem was from and he wasn’t wrong by his assertion or rather prediction. He advised Romanus concerning his friends and mindset, he advised him on what to do and see how things will turn around for him. From that day Jack became Romanus mentor, he would bring every issue to him.

After his discussing with Jack, Romanus became a changed man inside and effected the change outside by discarding his old friends, stopped drinking and started seeking job with his certificate. He was called by three companies, went for the three interviews, did marvelously well, and got two out of the three job offers. He chose the best (Fist Corp) and started work immediately. Then he was able to take of his mother and two siblings.

As Romanus worked there, he was up with ideas that were accepted each time. He was rewarded with promotion and he rose relatively higher than any other staff in Fist Corp. His seniors were scared of him and his progress. They pressurized him till he was fed up and resolved to leave the company and start his own company that would compete favorably in the market. He resigned after working there for about five years and his resignation created a lot of drama but there was no one to plead on him because the chief executive officer that engineered his promotions had retired. After her (the CEO) retirement, other staff including Romanus two friends she protected were maltreated by these senior members of staff.

Romanus knew a tree cannot make a forest, so he sought for capable men of like-mind who are also ready to fight. So he went forth to get his friends (Rick and Jane) from Fist Corp. Romanus was able to convince them by facts and statistics he gathered.

All these while Jack was away abroad but was aware of the happenings, in fact he was in support of Romanus resignation. After the trio laid down the foundation of their company Karlin LTD, they went forth to seek for investors. When Jack arrived from abroad, he invested much in Karlin LTD. This serves as a boost for them even as they won more investors.

As they progress and hired more staff, they strategized to compete with Fist Corp as both companies were in same line of business. Having worked at Fist Corp, it was much easier for them.

Fist Corp was gradually lagging behind because they kept losing great staff that was ready to generate new ideas. These senior staff was involved in corrupt practices which was affecting Fist Corp negatively. Sooner than expected Fist Corp went out of business and was on sale. Karlin LTD at that time was doing well and had great assets, so they bought Fist Corp and made it their second company.

Romanus was a great leader and his staff trusted his judgments and predictions. He never let any staff go out of jealousy, the same character was found in Rick and Jane as co-owners of both companies. So their companies grew in strength as they hired trustworthy staff of Fist Corp while the members of the senior staff left abroad to enjoy their stolen money. They warned their staff against corrupt practices and were ready to dismiss any one found guilty. Their companies grew and become the best in their country.

 By J_amaze.


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