When Levi heard of the economic breakdown in his country, he reasoned on how he can help the situation. Also as a young man who just finished his degree abroad (Nithland), he decided to go home and start a new life. His parents Dr. and Mrs Dana were against his decision and persuaded him to get a job. Levi carefully explained why he made that decision which after listening to him they have no other choice but to agree with him. In 2months time Levi arrived Gathom his country, he was reunited with his family and friends. Levi later noticed that all his plans could not fit in to the economy of Gathom, he was left in confusion in which other way to go. For 3weeks he walked around looking for direction yet found none. He gave up at last and concluded he would go back to Nithland, he later related his decision to his family which they agreed on. Yet to initiate the process of his departure, he discovered his father had acquired plots of land situated in an area known for farming. When he as...