Becoming part of me

Blake was happy when Cassia said I do to him on the Altar that precious day, it was part of a dream come through for him. Cassia on the other hand felt on top of the world and that day was definitely the happiest day of her life. Little did they know what was installed for them in what seemed a perfect union.

Blake grew up in the suburb like any other street kid. His father died when he as 7 of age, so he depended on his mother and siblings. When Mrs. Adaga (Blake’s mother) saw he was intelligent and had a big dream ahead of him she swore to see it come through. So she worked tirelessly alongside Blake siblings to make sure all Blake needed to achieve his dreams were available. Blake attended an expensive private school during his basic and high school years while he went to one of best universities in his country. There he was trained a medical practitioner. Blake knew how much his family meant to him that he felt indebted to them all.

Cassia at the other hand is only daughter of a rich lawyer Barr. Bricks. She had all she wanted for life and was intelligent that she graduated top of her class as a medical doctor. She grew up in the midst of her relatives because his father lived a communal life having his relatives living with him. Cassia hated the way her relatives especially some of her cousins barge into her privacy, so she wished for a time when no one would interfere with her privacy. Such time did not come so soon as she expected as she attended university from home. So she swore it would be only her and her husband when she is married, not even a single maiden would stay with them.

Time ran so fast on both sides that Blake knew Cassia from school and they fell in love, after their graduation and internship they planned to make things right by getting married on the altar. They were so deep in love that they rushed everything not giving much time to courtship and the relevance of it. So they did not know much about each other’s likes and dislikes.

After their marriage and honeymoon, they came back home to live together. Blake noticed how uncomfortable Cassia used to be whenever anyone visits to sleep over. Cassia did not want to let Blake know her opinion on that because she thought it would hurt his feelings. Blake’s relatives continued visiting and to send her message across, Cassia started treating them badly. This made Mrs. Adaga furious that he called Blake and cautioned him on the matter. Blake would go back and plead on her but will not ask why she behaves that way. Instead of the situation to get better it got worst. Sooner or later, Blake relatives stopped visiting and totally disconnect from him. They told him it would remain the same until his wife apologizes to them. Each time Blake brings the matter up, Cassia would shut him down. Soon they started having issues and hardly communicate.

For months the issue lingered and worsened until Blake decided to act fast before things get out of hands because he was gradually losing it and had began to regret why he married her if she cannot respect him. Then he resolved to meet with Barr. Bricks. When Blake met him, to show how much his family meant to him he narrated how growing up was like for him and the part his family played to make sure he achieved his dreams. Barr. Bricks felt sorry for him but noticed they did not discuss much when they were courting. So Barr. Bricks began to narrate what growing up was for his daughter. He also pointed how she wished to maintain her privacy by making sure no other stays with her and her husband. Blake realized his mistake and quickly ran home to amend it.

When Blake got home, he called Cassia and asked her why she behaved that way towards his family. She quickly explained, Blake also explained how much they did for him and how he cannot do without them. Cassia understood him and also why he insisted to have his relatives around. She then knew she had got it all wrong from the start. She apologized to Blake while Blake apologized to her for not trying to get her opinion.

Cassia later went and apologized to Blake’s family and also to her father’s house because of how she was rude to them when she was staying with them. Soon Cassia became part and the better half of Blake, tending their visitors, making them feel at home and even inviting them over for dinner occasionally. Blake was happy because he knew he made the right choice in marriage. Cassia became Mrs. Adaga’s best and most cherished daughter in-law in that she turned to have a flawless character and personality.

By J_amaze


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