Song lyrics: Ka anyi bulie by Frank Edwards ft. Don Moen

Ka anyi bulie lyrics:


Chim o idi mma
You alone are God
For the things you’ve done for me, chineke mo (a gam ebuli gi elu)
The lily of the valley
O kwa nani gi bu chi
And you never change, oh God


Ka anyi bulie gi elu
Ka anyi bulie gi elu
Ka anyi bulie gi elu
A gam ebuli gi elu


Agu na eche mba le
Forever you will be
Idighi agbanwe agbanwe
Onwa n’ututu (ka anyi bulie gi elu)
Anyi na enye gi ekele
Eze, nara otuto
Everlasting king of glory, ewo (a gam ebuli gi elu)
I buliwo mu elu o
I buliwo mu elu o
A gam ebuli gi elu o (a gam ebuli gi elu)


‘Ka anyi bulie’ which means ‘let us lift’, is another praise song from the album Frankincense. In this song Don Moen, a gospel music minister all the way from the United States tried Igbo language. Believe me it was awesome, inspiring and you would not believe he is not from there.


The vocals were on point especially that of Don Moen and the children. The xylophone sound and the sound of other local instruments narrowed it down to our own song. The drums, lead guitar, flute and other instruments were noticed.

If you in Nigeria, visit any CD shop and the Album Frankincense or visit the links to buy the song online if you are not in Nigeria or not disposed: Frankincense by Frank Edwards iTunes


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